a little about me


Getting Masonic Award                                                      That's Me                                                    and one of our 8 Grand children                My Wife and one of our 8 grandchildren                          Me and my lovely Wife


Home     For Our Teachers     My Favorite Reading     Ben and Me     Where Will Ben Be



  My name is Charles Molenda. I have been involved in reenacting for over 45 years. History has always been an interest of mine. Not content with just reading about history, reenactments are a way to obtain hands on skills and a chance to really go in depth as to the way people though, worked and lived.

   Over 40 Years ago, my wife mentioned that I looked like Benjamin Franklin. Little did I know that that simple statement would lead me down such an interesting path. 

  The more I read about that incredible man, the more I want to know. The years have taken me through more research than I never imagined. Many books and articles, hours of online research and here I am still thirsting for more.

   It has been my goal to teach as many people as I can on what Benjamin Franklin for the American people and the world. he was such a key person in the making of this country. Not just what he did in France at the time of the revolution, but also the house hold items and common institutions that we still have today.  

    I have had the pleasure of passing on information to students from elementary school thru college courses. I have spoke to historical society's, genealogical groups, library sessions, reenactments and community groups, Church groups. Anyone who will listen becomes my audience.

     I portray Benjamin Franklin in the first person. From the time I arrive, I am Benjamin Franklin. 1 will not come out of First person until I leave. This is amazing to some, and a challenge to others who try to get me out of first person. I try to present him as I see him , a simple man with many layers. A wise man with a wicked sense of humor, an intelligent man, always seeking simple solutions. However, todays average person only see's him as the man who flew a kite or the man on thee$100 bill.  My goal is to change that perception.

     Like Benjamin Franklin, I am a simple and humble man.

          Here are some of my accomplishments and failures.

     I am not a college professor or teacher. Like Benjamin Franklin, I am an avid reader and researcher. my particular interest has always been history, all time periods, primarily the 18 century and the American revolution and the people involved.  I it helps to increase your faith in my credentials, many people have mistake me for a college professor of history or a teacher of some sort. It also helps that I look exactly like Benjamin Franklin as stated by many people I have meet.

     I was in involved in the Boy Scout of America for 40+ years. I have served as a Boy Scout Troop and Cub Scout Committee Chairman and  served in Chippewa District Three Fires Council as a district chairman, training chairman, program chairman, activates chairman and Council Quartermaster. I have just moved this Year (2016) to a new Home in Pikeville Tennessee and had to leave my scouting friends. I have been presented the District Award of Merit, Silver Beaver (Council award). I am Wood Badge trained and served on two Wood badge training course's as Staff, I have a Doctorate and Fellows from the Lord Baden-Powel University.

    I have served our country in the United States Army for six years. With tours of duty in Europe and Southeast Asia. I am a Life Member of  the Veterans of Foreign wars.

    I am a member in good standing of the Ancient Free and accepted Manson's, Dundee Lodge 190 (Carpentersville Illinois). Where I was presented the Daniel Carter Beard Award (Masonic award) for my work in Scouting ( I was told that this was the first time this award was presented in Illinois).

    I was a member of Grace Baptist Church Carpentersville Illinois (now closed, we are sad that the church had to close) for over 40 years.

Moved to Pikeville Tennessee in May of 2016 .  What a wonderful place!

Member Mount Crest Methodist Church Pikeville Tennessee

Treasurer of  Friends of Fall Creek Falls State Park Spencer Tennessee. I also am on the executive board

Now a member of Sparta Tennessee Masonic Lodge 99 AFM

 I have always been active in my community as Benjamin Franklin was.

Someone asked me when I will give this up?  Answer NEVER.

 With all of this and Three dollars I can still get a cup of coffee in most places.

    Like Benjamin Franklin I do share a desire to be involved and active in my community.

 With this I will say

Your Humble Servant

Charles Molenda    AKA   Benjamin Franklin